Sunday, June 24, 2012

Glide's first appearance at Comedy of Errors in Montreal

Glide attended the Comedy of Errors tournament for the first time as a team this year, and it was an amazing event to be sure!  Our first 2 day tournament this season turned out to be both a learning experience, and a demonstration of performance excellence.

Here's a recap of the games:
Game #1 
As our first 2 day tourney, day 1 was a learning event, with an 8 a.m. start time vs. the #2 seed at the tournament -UNight.  The 8 a.m. start time saw both teams in what could only be described as a brawl up until half.  UNight took the game, and it was a very spirited matchup, and great competition. 
Game #2
Learning from our first game, and now fully pumped we headed over to some Ontario rivals, Prodigy.  This game had some personal pride on the line, as there was some family connection on the other side.  GLIDE roared out with a compelling game, and half ended 6-8 for Prodigy.  A strong 2nd half saw the points land in Prodigy's favour, but a good showing for Glide none the less.
Game #3
Wreckhouse from Newfoundland looked like a good competitor, with their East Coast charm, a team composed of giants, and the sun high in the air... This game had plenty of grueling points that seemed to last forever.  A hard fought game that fell to our spirited Newfoundland competitors. 
Game #4 - Cross over match vs. El Fuego,
GLIDE needed a win in order to stay in the top 8, after a quick regrouping in the shade, and some fluids we hit the field with a great amount of motivation, and a burst of team-wide happiness.  This proved to strengthen our resolve with a definitive win 14-5 ending the first day on a positive note and keeping a spot in the top 8 for day 2.
Day 2
Game #1
On Sunday another less than friendly morning start time of 8am, GLIDE drew the honour of playing the #1 seed Odissey, and I am certain Odissey did not see this coming.  With a 60 second warm-up GLIDE managed to go point for point causing Canada's #2 Coed team to have a few team conferences between points.  The O-line came out very strong with Mat, aka *"the spring" skying Odissey's players 3 times in a row, showing that even mythological teams can get out clouded!  Odyssey switched to a crazy zone never encountered before that quickly proved only a minor bump, and no more effective than man defence.  Shortly after a 5-4 score for Odyssey they pulled away in the 2nd half, with a final score of 15-7, the highest any team had managed at that point in the tournament against them.  A great experience to be sure.
Game #2
On their second game, led by an inspired side line help, Glide played almost point for point against a team from Boston to finally raise their level and bank it!  They had great spirit, and stuck to the end.  A good victory for GLIDE.
Game #3
Third game was against a familiar hometown friendly rival -BFC.  A good final game show down, and a culmination of the weekend's events - everything we learned was put to good use.  With amazing performances from every single player who stepped on the field, the motivation was clear.  Opportunity and scoring came from all over, with Katie's amazing strike for point while covered by 4 of the opposing team's players, Sandra's spectacular layout two finger catch,  and Lance "Rasta Black" Blackstock's 7 points - does it get any better than this?!  A fantastic overall performance by our new players and our returning super stars led by *Chilly D, *Samurai Jen, and *HighTower Mark that made everyone else look so good, and the Dominator for switching between O and D and keeping the energy high.  There really are too many highlights to list here.  A hard fought game, with final score GLIDE 11 BFC 15, but on all accounts a victory to be sure.  This bodes well for the future of GLIDE.
*Not necessarily their real nick name.... :-)