Sunday, January 20, 2013

Early Start to 2013 Season...

GLIDE is looking to return to competitive co-ed in 2013 and build on last year's Nationals debut. If you are a positive, motivated ultimate player interested in running with GLIDE, we would like you to attend as many scrimmages as possible so we can have a feel of how you would fit into our system.
 Scrimmages are on the following dates:
  • Saturday Jan. 26, 9:30pm until 11:00pm
  • Saturday Feb. 16, 9:30pm until 11:00pm
  • Sunday, March 10 from 10am until noon
To confirm your attendance and receive further details on location, etc., please contact us by email or fill out the survey for the 2013 season here:
We look forward to seeing you on the field!