Monday, November 4, 2013

GLIDE-based “Wolf Apocalypse” wins Harvest 2013

A pack of killer wolves is taking over the world, and the only way to stop them is to climb to the top of Wolf Mountain and take a swig of “venison blood” while howling! We had many Jäger-swigging human pyramid climbers, but none were able to stop GLIDE-based Wolf Apocalypse from going 7-0 to win Harvest for the second year in a row. Once again, Harvest proved to be a fun, excellently-organized tournament – thank you Peterborough Ultimate for doing it right! Stay tuned for our 2014 entry - Wolf Zombie.

Wolf Apocalypse is a Glide-affiliated team captained by Simon Partridge and Ryan Katz-Rosene, and featuring Glide veterans and newcomers alike: Paula Saliba, Karyne Pinard, Erin Krekoski, Alanna Baillod, Justine Price, Jacquie Reeds, Jenn Reid, TJ Reeds, Adam Elliott, Matt Landry, Dominique Dallaire, Lance Blackstock, Eric Jacques, and Darryl Gordon.