Sunday, June 24, 2012

CHEO Tournament Recap

Photo of Pat (may be staged...).
Glide entered a team into the local CHEO BBQ fundraiser tournament for the second year in a row. The competition was stiffer than last year, though Glide pulled off a 3rd-place finish in the competitive pool.

While we managed to beat last year's victors - Turlututu (who ended up coming 4th) - this year saw a number of new teams which upped the caliber of the tournament by a considerable degree (including teams made up of competitive players from the Open, Mixed and Women's programs in Ottawa). 

Even though it's a one-day tournament - the competition was tough, the spirit high, and the weather picture perfect (well, actually, a little on the hot side... just to register a complaint to the ulti gods).

A great start for this year's series of tournaments!